6 months old and already dancing!
At babyballet®, we truly believe that you’re never too young to learn how to dance! It may seem incredible that ballet classes even exist for children so small, but we guarantee both you and your little one will love every moment of your time together in the babyballet® tots class.
6-months and counting
Reaching the 6-month milestone is an achievement for any child and their parents. This is the time when tiny tots really start to engage with the world. They are usually sitting up, pointing at things and of course, they love to play. Music is always a big hit with babies and young children and so our tots babyballet® classes are specifically designed to meet the needs of this age group. And you can take the songs home to practise and play together!
Ballet is often seen as quite a strict and serious thing to do, but here at babyballet® we make ballet fun for everyone. By combining movement, music and toys/props, the babyballet® tots class is a wonderful way to enhance your little one’s physical and communication skills. Not to mention their social and emotional development. There’s really no need to wait until they are older to learn to dance – why not start now?!
“I wanted our children to experience something different and so we invented a magical world of dance filled with characters, colour, music and fun – a world where every child gets the chance to be valued and shine.”
Claire O’Connor, babyballet® founder.
Out and about with your little star
Getting out and about to different activities is a great way, not only to bond with your little one but also to learn something new for yourself. And there’s no substitute for spending that all important and precious quality time together. At babyballet®, our tots mums and dads love to get together and take part in the classes with their babies. And it makes a change from going to a standard Toddler group.
“I must admit I was a bit surprised at how young the babies are at babyballet but my friend said we should go. I’d felt really cooped up at home so getting to the classes once a week really made me feel good. And Daisy absolutely loves it!” – babyballet® mum.
Join us in our 17th year of babyballet® classes!
You can use our find a class page to see where your local babyballet® class is and book in for your tiny tot today!
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