Welcome to babyballet
babyballet® Helensburgh – ADA Dance
Hi! I’m Miss Alex and I’m delighted to bring the magic of babyballet® dance classes to Helensburgh.
Our babyballet® Helensburgh dance classes allow babies, toddlers and young children from 6 months to 6 years old to enjoy the physical and social benefits of ballet, song and dance in a safe, caring, positive and informal environment.
To book go to www.adadance.com.au, or contact us directly by emailing info@adadance.com.au or calling 415 928 588.
On behalf of everyone at ADA Dance we look forward to welcoming you and your little stars to the magical world of babyballet® Helensburgh very soon! Magical wishes from the team at

If you have any questions please contact us directly by emailing info@adadance.com.au or calling 415 928 588.